Saturday, October 3, 2020

“Physicalizing” the Shift from lower vibration to Higher Vibration Energy in Writing!

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Acknowledging the shift from lower vibration energy to higher vibration energy in writing, each time you receive the Diamond Energy is like building a “Diamond muscle”… the more you do this, the stronger your Connection to the Diamond becomes and the more clearly your Consciousness gets that the Diamond is the place to go to get a shift in your energy.  This shift will begin to happen faster and more immediately over time.

I highly recommend that you become very specific about the positive shift you’re experiencing. When you bring the shift from the Multidimensional through the computer …. through your body … and out into your hands in the 3rd dimension by writing down your experience in more detail, this process helps to physicalize the energetic shift and helps your conscious mind to really “get” the change you’ve received.

Also, appreciating the negative as it leaves your system is a way of embracing it and acknowledging its service in your Soul growth. Try it out for awhile and see what happens.

Experience the Shift … FREE for 15 days!!

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