Saturday, October 24, 2020

The Diamond Christ Aloha Story

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In 2002, in her quest to "birth" the Sacred Diamond Technology into physical form, Jacqueline Joy was "Called" to the Island of Kauai. The moment her feet touched down on the Island of Kauai, she experienced the same vibration in her body that she was accustomed to feeling when she was inside her Multidimensional Diamond Chamber. What she was feeling was the physicalization of the Diamond Energy. The Diamond vibration and the Aloha vibration of Mother Kauai was the same. She felt HOME, as she had never felt before. She knew that she had to get her roots into Kauai's volcanic energy and allow the "MA" to Source her and the Technology - so that she could follow through on the direction from her Higher Team to bring the Diamond Technology into a physical form that could be accessed by ALL. She moved to Kauai.

Over the next many years, the Aloha Energy of Kauai fueled Jacqueline Joy to bring the Multidimensional Diamond Technology into a business form ... and is honored by Jacqueline Joy as the "Birth Mother" Energy of Diamond Christ Alignment.

In 2008, when Jacqueline Joy had to leave her home in Kauai, she was told by her Higher Diamond Team, "My child, this Diamond Christ Aloha that feeds you so deeply in every cell of your body is to be transmitted throughout the Sacred Diamond Technology to feed ALL across the Planet. It is not just for people who visit or live on Kauai or in the Hawaiian islands."

And so it is that the Aloha Spirit/Vibration from the powerful planetary intake point of Kauai is also transmitted through the worldwide Diamond Technology and Energy Grid, to accelerate the Anchoring of the Power and Joy of Diamond Christ Aloha Consciousness in our bodies, our lives, our institutions and the Planet at large!

Experience the Aloha Spirit through Diamond Christ Alignment!!  15-Day FREE TRIAL at:

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