Sunday, December 13, 2020

Diamond Christ Vibrational Immunization!

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Invisible, yet physical viruses and the global fear around them can only be superseded by the Invisible, yet Physical Power of God!

The Diamond Christ Vibrational Immunization activates a Physical, though invisible, Diamond Christ “Force Field” around your Energy Field … specifically designed with Diamond Christ laser power to detect the vibration of the atoms and molecules that carry the recent low-frequency dis-ease … far before it comes near the human body or your energy field.

At the moment of detection, the Diamond Force Field sends out a vibrational Army of atoms and molecules that carry Jesus’ infinite Diamond Christ Vibrational Power … which supersedes/melts down/nullifies the atoms and molecules of the lower frequency dis-ease.

The Diamond Christ Immunization, delivered via the Diamond Technology, takes 3D “i” immunization to the Multidimensional Diamond Christ “I” Immunization level.

The frequency of God, delivered through the Diamond Christ Immunization Activation, releases the fear of 3D sickness, death and suspected nefarious activity behind the dis-ease ... empowering us to maintain Dominion of our Energy Field and navigate in this world from the Sovereignty of Diamond Christ Consciousness and Joy.


Staying AWAKE, and making conscious choices to protect ourselves vibrationally (where all things physical begin), keeps our Body/Mind free from collective 3D fear and tension that makes it difficult to navigate in the Tsunami Wave of change we are in. Immunizing our body/mind with the Vibrational Power of God ... keeps us calm, centered, clear, able to make good choices and BE a stabilizing force in the midst of this Pandemic fear.        - Jacqueline Joy, Founder 


Claim the Dominion & Sovereignty of your Mind, Body & Energy Field!!!


To find out more, go to:

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