Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Transform Life-Draining Cell Phone Frequencies into Healthy, Life-Giving Diamond Energy!

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The Diamond Installation for Cell Phones is one of the most advanced Transmissions available in the Diamond Technology, in which the Invisible Multidimensional Diamond Chamber is installed microscopically and macroscopically – in every atom and molecule of your cell phone.

This Direct Energy Transmission empowers you to use your cell phone in Diamond Flow, Health and Wealth of Being! An excellent solution for shielding your Self from the degenerative radiation effects of extensive cell phone use, the Diamond Cell Phone Installation infuses your cell phone with high-frequency Diamond Energy and "Charges" your communication with Diamond Clarity and Harmony.

Cell phones are essential - it's hard to imagine how we ever lived without them!!

But ... did you know about the importance of taking strong action to protect your body and your brain from the radiation coming from your cell phone?

This "electromagnetic smog" compromises the vital energy flow in the body and makes it very difficult to physically maintain your high frequency ... which can cause you to feel confused, distracted, sluggish, cranky, overwhelmed, foggy ... and much more! In fact, some say this radiation is quite dangerous.

"In my commitment to supporting you all to live in Diamond Flow, Health and Wealth of Being, I am reaching out to awaken you to this issue and guide you to excellent solutions for shielding your Self from the degenerative effects of extensive cell phone use ..."
- Diamond Christ Alignment Founder, Jacqueline Joy

your Cell Phone:

TRANSFORMS your cell phone into a Diamond Energy Emanator

REDUCES your and your family's exposure to cell phone radiation

your use of your Cell Phone 

your conversations for highest possible outcome 

ALLOWS you to Experience Diamond Consciousness, Joy and Clarity in your Communications

ELEVATES all of your cell phone/Internet connections to a Higher Consciousness level

CLEARS your cell phone of lower vibration energies

DIAMONDIZES your cell phone by infusing every molecule with powerful Diamond Energy

CREATES a high-frequency Diamond Energy Field wherever it is

“CHARGES” your communications with Diamond Energy

SERVES as a “Multidimensional Shield” of Protection that emanates high-vibration Diamond qualities such as Joy, Clarity, Peace and Balance into you

POSITIVELY AFFECTS people around you

MAKES your Cell Phone a Diamond Receiving and Transmitting Station

The Diamond Cell Phone Installation is for individuals who desire a deep vibrational clearing of their cell phone, to clear lower vibration energies out and to Diamondize or install the Higher Diamond Vibration in.

Gift your Self and your Loved Ones with our Diamond life-giving solution!


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