Tuesday, May 4, 2021

“Power Boost” the Manifestation of your Higher Heart’s Intentions with Diamond-Activated Art!

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Like the ancient Sacred Art Forms and Mandalas from the East, Diamond-charged images emanate high-frequency Diamond Energy that activates Diamond Christ Consciousness and transmits/radiates the Diamond Energy qualities of Equanimity, Joy, Clarity, Fun, Freedom, Wealth of Being, Grace, Ease, Gratitude and Appreciation into whatever space they are placed, harmonizing both you and your environment - affecting everyone and everything, even animals.

All Diamond-Activated Art is "potentized" by Jacqueline Joy's Transmission Power and her Diamond Energy Crystal Chamber that serves as an amplifier and transmitting station. Wherever Diamond activated images are placed, you can expect a crystalline feeling and harmonious changes in your body, mind, emotions, relationships and environment ...
raising the vibration of the space and everyone and everything in it. The Diamond Energy being emanated will gently clear that which is not in alignment with your Highest Potential and magnetize that which is in alignment with your Highest Potential.

Diamond-infused images can be
used to “power boost” the manifestation of your Higher Heart’s intentions!  

By writing down your intention on an index card and placing the card in front of the Diamond Image, the Diamond Energy’s flow will be focused directly into your intention until it has manifested. Declare once a day, “I am open to receive my Heart’s desire and celebrate it as so.”

Magic and Miracles will occur in your Diamond Energy Field on a daily basis, especially when you
stay in the Spirit of Gratitude and Appreciation for what you are receiving from the effects of the Diamond emanation in your space.

Check out our Diamond-Activated Art at:


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