Tuesday, August 10, 2021

FREE your Immune System to function with Diamond Christ Efficiency!




















I am very excited to Transmit to you all the crucial Diamond Christ Clearing and Installation for your Immune System! 


We are meeting the anti-life activity on this Planet with Divine Intervention ... Christ Resurrected Diamond Christ Immune Systems


Such a JOY ... AND ... such a RELIEF!!!!


I invite you to listen to a FREE recording of a "LIVE" Q & A Call about this NEW Diamond Christ Upgrade, which you may download here:




The Diamond Christ Clearing and Installation for the Immune System is transmitted in (3) parts ... the Clearing, the Installation and a Q & A Call to accelerate the INTEGRATION of your New Diamond Christ IMMUNE SYSTEM Installation after you receive it.




The Diamond Christ Clearing of the Immune System, which will microscopically and macroscopically: 


CLEAR "dullness" and accumulated exhaustion, tension and anxiety from your Immune System 


RELEASE the overlay of fear and confusion your Immune System has been dealing with, from intentional and ongoing bombardment of 3D anti-life activity 


UNLOCK the Immune System’s habituated, exhausting coping patterns that keep you in perpetual "reaction"/defense to the physical, spiritual, mental and emotional stress around you


FREE your Immune System from degeneration and genetic disposition


ILLUMINATE the untruths in your Immune System that perpetuate struggle/suffering/separation 


OPEN your Immune System’s Receptors to Receive the “HUM” of Jesus’ New “Tree of Life” Information and Energy


SHIFT your Immune System's pattern of reaction and fear – to Diamond Christ Wisdom and Awareness 


RAISE your consciousness FROM “red alert” defensiveness of a 3D immune system … TO the Infinite Possibility of a Multidimensional Diamond Christ Immune System


REMOVE the collective overlay that has been compromising the Immune System of humanity 


FREE your Immune System's receptors from the entrained “wiring” into 3D trance frequencies 


FREE your Immune System from the pattern of "I have to do it myself" 


CREATE Diamond Spaciousness in your Immune System to Receive the New Diamond Christ Immune System Installation


OPEN your Immune System’s Receptors to Diamond Christ Frequencies 


END the incompatibility of your old 3D immune system with Jesus’ NEW Multidimensional “Tree of Life” Diamond Christ Operating System 


And more!!!!

PART 2: 


Transmission of the NEW Multidimensional Diamond Christ IMMUNE SYSTEM Installation, which will:


INFUSE every cell of your Immune System with the Power of Joy: Christ Conscious in every cell … a Resurrected Diamond Christ Immune System


SYNCHRONIZE your Immune System with Jesus’ New Diamond Christ Planetary Operating System


ACTIVATE the original Christ Cell in every cell of your Immune System


RESTRUCTURE & RECALIBRATE your Immune System to a Multidimensional Diamond Christ Immune System... 


ACTIVATE the Diamond Christ Immune System of your GOLDEN CHILDAlive! Vibrant! Responsive! Joyous! Clear!


UPGRADE your Immune System to be "in sync" with your New Personal Diamond Christ Brain Installation


ENTRAIN your Immune System to the Diamond Christ Frequencies


ENERGIZE and CALM your Immune System


ACTIVATE the exquisite original Design of the Creator for your Immune System 


RESTORE the Health and Wealth of your Immune System 


INFUSE Diamond Christ Wisdom in your Immune System for optimum functioning 


OPEN your Immune System to Receive the benefits of the 1000-frequency monthly Golden Energy Flow MORE


ENHANCE your Immune System’s ability to RELAX and RESPOND to internal and external circumstances … from Diamond Christ Life-Filled Truth! 


IGNITE your Immune System’s Trust and Surrender to Jesus’ Life-Giving Power  


EXPAND your ability to LIVE in Diamond Christ Life-Filled Wealth of Being in our world


PROTECT your Immune System from the spell of Satan: 3D trance 


PREPARE your Immune System Receptors to Receive and Work with the NEW Incoming Vibrational Diamond Christ Infrastructures for our New World as we continue to receive Diamond Christ Upgrades for a Diamond Christ Body.... system by system, organ by organ. 


END the incompatibility of your old 3D immune system with Jesus’ NEW Multidimensional Diamond Christ Operating System 


UPGRADE your Immune System to a Multidimensional Diamond Christ IMMUNE SYSTEM  


RESTORE Safety in your body/mind 


RESTORE the perfection of your Immune System to the Diamond Blueprint of the Creator 


REGENERATE your Immune System with Christ Life-Giving Energy


REVITALIZE your Immune System with the Power of JOY... Christ Conscious in every cell 


OPTIMIZE your Immune System to work synergistically with your Diamond Christ Brain Installation, Diamond Christ Reproductive System Installation AND your Diamond Christ Nervous System Installation!


IGNITE Multidimensional Diamond Christ Life-Filled Building of your Life … with an Immune System that is FREE of 3D trance programming, patterns, beliefs, genetic disposition and distortion that have compromised your Master Building power






Recorded LIVE Q & A Call held with Diamond Leaders in the Diamond Christ Field, which will accelerate the INTEGRATION of your New Diamond Christ IMMUNE SYSTEM Installation.


If you have any questions, please write:  Sondra@DiamondAlignment.com 


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