Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Reset your Digestive System to Jesus’ Divine Blueprint!




















As we all know, the contamination of our soil, water, air is having a very significant effect on what we are eating and drinking … causing havoc in our bodies. Even with doing our best to eat “organically”, we know that digestive issues have become quite epidemic… causing much sorrow and suffering … especially with GMOs. (“Organic” does not always mean “non- GMO” or vice versa.)


The human digestive system has been extremely stressed in the last few years with gluten, dairy and refined sugar intolerance. It is shocking how many dis-eases have emerged. The body does NOT want to “digest” these troublesome foods, even though the “addictive” additives in these foods make us desire to eat them. What a conundrum!!!!!! 


Thankfully, with the Multidimensional Diamond Christ Technology, we are NEVER limited by 3D circumstances!!! Hallelujah Jesus!!!!


Jesus’ Resurrection Power for the Digestive System supports our bodies at the highest levels be able to ingest, metabolize, use and eliminate what our bodies need … to be the most fully functioning Diamond Christ Builders of His New World!!!


The offering of the New Diamond Christ Digestive System will not only assist our bodies with metabolizing what we are ingesting today but will also bring our Digestive Systems into vibrational resonance with the Gift of Multidimensional Diamond Christ Food … so that we are able to fully receive and metabolize this extremely high-frequency nourishment that is coming in with the New, New, New, New, New Diamond Christ Aloha World we are building with Jesus!


Please join me in Receiving Jesus’ Diamond Christ Intervention to Resurrect your Digestive System with Christ Life-Giving Health, Vitality, Resiliency and Power … FREEING us from feeling separate from our Creator!




It’s time for Jesus' Resurrection Power to Regenerate, Rejuvenate and RESET the Digestive System to His Divine Blueprint! 





CLEARS the 3D overload on the Digestive System, including emotional, mental and physical pain, sorrow, suffering, breakdown, disease, decay, and/or degeneration


ACTIVATES Flow that allows the Resurrection Power of Jesus ... the Cosmic Energy of Diamond Christ LIFE FORCE ... to SUPPORT and MOVE THROUGH our Digestive System ... the CORE structure that “takes in” and metabolizes nourishment for the physical body


EMPOWERS us to navigate through this 3D world with Multidimensional Diamond Christ PHYSICAL STRENGTH, CLARITY, and ABUNDANT LIFE-GIVING ENERGY FLOW


ENABLES US to stand Strong, Vibrant, Balanced, Aligned, Regal and Elegant as Diamond Christ Special Forces… “Boots on the Ground” in Highest Service in the New Diamond Christ Aloha World

FEEDS our Creativity and Vision for the New, New, New, New, New Diamond Christ Aloha World


ENERGIZES us to BUILD the New World - within us and around us! 

YOUTHENS us to ENJOY and fully Work and Play in the New World!


EQUIPS us to be "in Service"



We invite you to join us in Receiving Jesus' Gift - the Diamond Christ Digestive System Installation that allows the Power of God to Resurrect this Precious System!


For further details, Sondra@DiamondAlignment.com 

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