Friday, October 9, 2020

Is Diamond Christ Alignment Safe for a Pregnant Woman and her Unborn Child?

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It is not only safe. It is most likely a call from the Child's Soul to have the Multidimensional Diamond's high-frequency support in utero and in its lifetime. This has been so for many infants in utero. The Diamond keeps them protected and keeps their Unified Field strong. It also helps them if there is any trauma going on with the mother or her circumstances. It is a Cosmic Womb that helps them transition to this dimension more gracefully.


The first child who received the Diamond support strongly in utero ...ended up going through a surgery that the mother had to go through when he was 5 months in utero. The doctors found a giant tumor in the ovary of the mother. The surgery took place. The baby was taken out of the mother's body while they removed the ovary and then returned to the mother's body. He was born very healthy and is a strong, brilliant, KNOWING Being.


These children when born are exceptional... and they keep the knowing of who they are intact much longer. We do not know how long because they are still young.


Experience Diamond Christ Alignment ... FREE for 15 days at: 

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