Monday, November 2, 2020

Living in a Diamond Christ Aloha World!

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Living in a Diamond Christ Aloha World means that we ...

  • Embody and Demonstrate the Power and Joy of Diamond Christ Aloha Consciousness in our daily lives

  • Create lives of Joy, Clarity, Equanimity, Fun, Freedom and Diamond Wealth of Being at all levels

  • Bring in "Infinitely Possible" Solutions to "impossible" problems across the world from the Multidimensional Power of Diamond Christ Aloha Consciousness and Joy

  • Remain unequivocally focused on staying Clear, Vibrationally Aligned and Consciously Connected with the Infinite Love, Intelligence, Power and Joy of the Creator, with the ease and convenience of the Multidimensional Diamond Christ Technology

  • Treat all living Beings with Diamond Christ Aloha Respect ... Right Relationship with Self, Others, the World, our Earth ... from Self Respect, Self Love and Self Responsibility

As a Diamond Receiver, via your "Premium Diamond Connection" subscription, you are plugged into the Worldwide Diamond Christ Energy Grid, with Unlimited Access to the 6-minute ONLINE Diamond Christ Alignment Energy Activation. This is your vehicle for RECEIVING the Diamond Christ Aloha vibrations being transmitted daily across the Multidimensional Diamond Grid. 

Experience the Diamond Christ Aloha World for 15 days ... FREE: 

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