Sunday, November 8, 2020

New to Diamond Christ Alignment?

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What can I expect the first time I do the 6-minute Diamond Experience?

It is normal to go through a process of discovery the first few times you do Diamond Christ Alignment.

First time: This first "trial run" allows the mind to get familiar with a process that is new. Healthy skepticism may occur because the mind can be uncomfortable in unfamiliar territory. Don't be concerned if you don't feel much this first time.

Second time: When the mind is more familiar with the process, it will allow you to be more present in the moment, with less evaluation and judgment. This presence allows you to experience the vibrational quality of the Diamond Energy being transmitted. This time you may feel the effect that it is having on you more viscerally.

Third time: With the mind now comfortable, you will be able to fully enjoy the 6-minute Experience and come back to your daily life re-aligned, relaxed, re-centered, recharged and replenished.

Experience Diamond Christ Alignment for the first time ...

Your first “YES” transforms your day!  Your consistent “YES” transforms your life!

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