Sunday, November 29, 2020

The Power of Vibrational Diamond Gifting!

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In January, 2017, Julie, a Leader in the Diamond Community in Hawaii, wrote in about Aleppo ... her Heart wanted to take ACTION after reading many "tweets" from an Aleppo child named "Bana". Julie knew that Divine Intervention was needed! And, from years of training in Diamond Leadership, she Knows the power of the Diamond Technology to bring Divine Intervention into this Physical world ... so she wrote in to ask for my input.

I wish to share the dialogue I had with Julie, as it serves as a teaching about "Diamond Gifting" for everyone in the Diamond Community! So here it is...

Julie: Diamond Aloha Jacqueline, I was wondering if you would consider doing a group activation with the leaders for Aleppo? I was thinking about Diamond gifting but then thought how powerful that last transmission you did for the U.S. was. Just a thought!

Jacqueline Joy: Diamond Aloha Julie - I Celebrate your consideration of "Diamond Gifting" for this situation, as Diamond Gifting has been created to give all of our Hearts this Powerful way to tangibly respond to the tragedies, suffering, sorrow and pain we SEE in this world ... IMMEDIATELY ... WHEN WE SEE IT!!!!

This immediate way to take ACTION is very Powerful and very Empowering! Do not let the simplicity of it belie Its Power!

I would love to do a LIVE call with the Leaders for all the situations that I am SEEING, but at this time, "Diamond Gifting" is the best ACTION we can take.

There are SO many things that are SCREAMING for Divine Intervention across the Planet right now.

Julie: That's the thing ... I'm just not quite sure what to write or who to be giving it to in particular, that is, the land, the people, the people bombing them, a little girl named Bana who refuses to leave her home who updates with her tweets (she is so brave!), the situation in general? Could you maybe give me some pointers on having the best gifting possible?

Jacqueline Joy: Here is how I would "Diamond Gift"...

I Call for Divine Intervention for Aleppo and all of her people (especially Bana)!
I Call for the Power of Joy - Christ Consciousness in every cell of the country and for all of the people!

I Call for the Highest Possibility!
I Call for Diamond Christ Resurrection!

I give thanks and KNOW that the Diamond Technology is anchoring this Divine Intervention into the physical cells of ALL!!!!!

Ok perfect thank you so much! If you ever get the chance, check out Bana's story ... it's just what pulls at my heart. That, and seeing what Aleppo looks like - it reminds me of a Will Smith apocalyptic movie ... never thought I would see that in my day. It's just heart wrenching. Thank you for your suggestions, greatly appreciated!

(Julie then immediately "Diamond Gifted")

Jacqueline Joy
wrote to Julie 2 hours after Julie "Diamond Gifted":
Julie - How do you feel after "Diamond Gifting" Aleppo, her people and Bana tonight?

I could feel deeply in my Heart the Gratitude for this Technology ... and I visualized many angels, very large surrounding all of the people still left there - comforting and soothing them. Jesus, in many forms, doing the same and much more. It gave me a sense of peace knowing there is something I can do for this little girl and her people over in Aleppo. The feeling is so deep it fills my eyes with tears. So much Gratitude for the Diamond Technology. Mahalo Jacqueline. I also had a Visualization of SEEING Diamond Gifting like the feeling of Christmas as well. It also brings relief to me knowing I have given the best and highest for the country and her people. It brings me Joy and Hope for this situation.

(Julie then sent Jacqueline Joy some of Bana's and Bana's mother's tweets.)

Jacqueline Joy:
I see Bana's tweets (and her mother's). They definitely tug at the Heart!

Rather than getting pulled into the density (and adding your vibration to that!) ... do you see how "Diamond Gifting" gives you a way to act from your Heart, while keeping you in high vibration ... as you experienced after "Gifting", when you reported:
"It also brings relief to me knowing I have given the best and highest for the country and her people, it brings me Joy and Hope for this situation."

By choosing to stay in the Power of Joy ... Christ Conscious in every cell and in every thought ... we are able to be of highest Diamond Service. We are the Galactic Special Diamond Forces "boots on the ground" ... embodying, emanating, calling forth and anchoring Diamond Christ Consciousness and Joy into our world! We are the "YES" for humanity!!!!

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"Diamond Gifting" is HERE to answer your Heart's desire to Powerfully and Tangibly take ACTION to relieve the suffering, sorrow and pain you SEE in this world IMMEDIATELY ... when you SEE it!

From Your Heart's Call, the Diamond will bring Multidimensional Divine Intervention that we wish for ourselves, our loved ones and our world, into the Physical ... in miraculous ways!

No "agendas" from us ... simply Calling for and sending the Love and Power of Diamond Christ Consciousness, Joy and Resurrection ... to those we love and care about!!!!

We can transform the paralysis of feeling powerless ...

"Diamond Gifting" is answered prayer!

Click the link below to Vibrationally Diamond Gift ... it is here for you 24/7, whenever your Heart is inspired!

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