Sunday, November 22, 2020

Is Worry truly about “Love”?

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My mother, Rose, lived by the adage: "You worry in proportion to how much you love". Therefore, Rose, wanting to be a loving spouse, mother, grandmother, and friend ... lived in a perpetual state of worry/fear for those she loved.


As a child, I felt the burden of Mom's "l" love - her projections and her overlay of fear/worry on me ... and I saw what it did to my siblings and dad!


Naturally, I inherited this pattern of worry/fear for those I love. While I am thankful that I have the sensitivity to feel when things are "off" in myself or in those I care about ... I also feel the constricted flow in my energy from the low frequencies of this fear/worry/projection. And ... I have witnessed the negative effect that these low frequencies have on those I love.


Is this worry really love???????? I call it 3D love or small "l" love. When I am operating in this 3D "l" love, I do NOT feel Flow or Joy ... especially when I am worrying about people and situations that I have NO control over ... or have not been invited to participate!!!


That's why I am so grateful for Vibrational Diamond Gifting!


When I am worried about those I love or situations that I care about, I can do something that truly makes a difference and uplifts everyone involved!!!! I can CHOOSE to take the tangible action of Diamond Gifting (which is available to me, even in the middle of the night, if my worry is interrupting my sleep). When I Diamond Gift, I ALWAYS and IMMEDIATELY feel Joy and the RISE of my own Frequency/Energy Flow ... and soon after, I See or hear about the positive effects of my Gift in my Gift Recipient!

When I Diamond Gift, I See it as "L" Loving ... WHY?

Because ...

1.    I am making the CHOICE to operate in the high-frequency Energy Field of Diamond Christ "L" Love, instead of "stewing" in the low frequencies of "l" love.

2.    I am taking Action and FREEING myself from being locked up in the worry of the mind.

3.    In taking tangible ACTION, the low frequencies of worry/fear and my projections are RELEASED ... leaving me with a calm body and clear mind to move forward in my day.

4.    I am Calling for DIVINE Intervention from the "L" Love of the Creator for myself, or the person or situation I am worried about ... and from this Consciousness, Infinite Possibilities and Miracles can occur.

(What a relief for me and my Gift Receiver that in Diamond Gifting, I am calling for Divine Help to be delivered, and not my "agenda"!)

5.    I KNOW there is no limit to the Power of Divine Intervention.

6.    I KNOW there is no limit to the Power of the Diamond Christ Technology to deliver
Divine Intervention.

There is no limit to the Power of Diamond Gifting!
When you feel worry/fear ... CHOOSE to Diamond Gift!

(Not choosing is a choice ... a "default" choice that keeps you in the low vibration of worry and fear.)

To experience the Magic of Vibrational Diamond Gifting, go to:

To experience the Magic of living in the Diamond Christ Vibration, for a 15-Day FREE TRIAL!, go to:

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