Sunday, December 27, 2020

A Multidimensional Diamond Christ Upgrade for the Heart!

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The breadth & scope of 3D anti-life activity on the Planet
is being revealed as never before ... and one of the most vulnerable places we are affected by the invisible/vibrational programming that sources this anti-life activity is the HEART!

The vulnerability of the human heart is the doorway through which anti-life implanting/programming enters ... and controls us without our conscious awareness ... making us believe that we are not worthy of love or capable of loving.

With this LIE in our cells, the human heart is prey to manipulation that separates us from our Creator, our Selves and those we love ...

  • Our love is always externally – focused

  • We feel alone and disconnected from God with this external focus

  • We look outside of ourselves to feel loved and feel unloved/rejected when others don’t return love in ways we expect

  •  We project fear, worry, anxiety on those we love

  • Our love becomes oppressive to others (and ourselves) as we futiley attempt to “control” their behavior with our ‘concern’/’love’

  • We give away our lives and our life force to another in the name of love

  • We become highly suggestible to the thoughts & feelings of others

  • We turn on ourselves/punish ourselves & keep out/push away love because we feel we are not love/lovable

  • Fear of abandonment controls us, as a real or imagined threat

  • Our frequency is dimmed down!!!!

The Diamond Christ Heart Intervention via the Diamond Christ Heart Clearing & Installation brings TRUTH into the cells ... by illuminating and eliminating the invisible anti-life programming in every atom/molecule/cell of the heart and infusing the Power of Christ’s Resurrected Consciousness in Every Atom/Molecule/Cell of the Heart ... Activating a  Resurrected Diamond Christ Heart that cannot be manipulated ... and that protects/holds the human heart in this 3D world.

In the 8-Day Diamond Christ Clearing of the Heart and Diamond Christ HEART Installation, we are going to the CORE to meet the 3D anti-life activity on the Planet with Diamond Christ Intervention that is Resurrecting the Heart!

For more information and sign up details, write ... Subject: “Request Description – Heart Installation”

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