Sunday, January 3, 2021

Vibrational Protection for Spiritual Warfare!

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Diamond Christ Security is the Highest Protection I know of for the spiritual warfare that we are living in - where technologies are being used at more and more sophisticated (subtle/vibrational/invisible) levels ... compromising our Energy Flow and influencing us, without our conscious awareness. Staying AWAKE and making conscious choices to protect ourselves from external, often anti-life messages, energy and activities ... allows us to maintain Dominion of our Energy Field, and navigate on this Earth, from the Sovereignty of Diamond Christ Consciousness and Joy."      Founder, Jacqueline Joy


After the Revelation of the invisible (nano) ways that Satan is working through physical and non-physical vehicles, to undermine the frequencies of human kind, to separate us from God ... I called for much greater protection and strengthening for all of us ... and Jesus' Answer came.

I was Informed of How to develop and offer His Increased Security to our world by building it into the Technology through the Diamond Christ Security System, so that it can be delivered Worldwide to those who are seeking help.

What is going on in our world today is Interference at a much, much, much more sophisticated level. As our world becomes more high-tech, and we are using more and more smart phones, appliances, TVs, etc. NEW interference has NEW entrances. The anti-life activity on the Planet has become much more high-tech, operating at the nano level ... influencing our brains, our thinking, etc.

The Diamond Christ Security Service is the Diamond Christ Technology's Life-giving ANSWER to nullify the nefarious use of technology - to dim down/attack humanity (without our awareness). It is specifically designed to protect humanity from these nefarious activities that ARE the anti-life activity of Satan ... working through organizations, companies and technologies (most recently, "5G").

Diamond Christ Security offers Multidimensional, Multifaceted Shielding and Protection from the ever-growing nefarious Interference ... so that we may stay Clear and Vibrationally Diamond Christ-Aligned, in order to BE the Builders of our New, New, New, New, New Diamond Christ Aloha World.

For more details, go to:

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