Tuesday, March 16, 2021

The Power of Receiving Remote Energy Work Daily!

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As a Premium Diamond Connection Subscriber
, Jacqueline Joy uses advanced energy technologies that she has mastered over the last 20 years to serve you 30 minutes daily. These powerful energy clearings and transmissions accelerate your embodiment of Diamond Consciousness, empowering you to master your Diamond Christ Alignment and experience true Wealth of Being: Wealth enjoyed at all levels; spiritual, mental, emotional, physical and material. Anyone in the world can receive this powerful energy work, which:

  • Clears thought forms, patterns, programs, imprinting and conditioning that are not vibrationally aligned with who you truly are
  • Clears interference from all time, all space, all dimensions, all levels, all planes
  • Clears energy blocks/coagulated energy in physical, emotional, mental bodies
  • Clears low frequencies of the trance (individual trance and collective trance)
  • Clears the energy field of your body/mind
  • Transmutes low-frequency energy, negative patterns, programming and imprinting held in the body
  • Transmutes tension, tiredness and toxicity that you pick up in your physical world into your own true high vibration

Consistently receiving these powerful energy clearings and transmissions accelerates your embodiment of Diamond Consciousness, and empowers you to experience more:

  • Joy in your body
  • Clarity in your mind
  • Freedom in your Spirit
  • Harmony in your world
  • Confidence in yourself
  • Fulfillment of your purpose

NOTE: The daily Remote Clearing is not a recording nor is it received via teleconference call. The daily Clearing is transmitted "remotely" by Jacqueline Joy at the vibrational level, and therefore, it is not necessary to be in contact with her in the "physical" to receive it. What IS important is that you set aside time to fully receive the Clearing by following these "receiving" instructions:


Learn more about the Premium Diamond Connection at:


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