Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Make your Home a Powerful Diamond Receiving Station!

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The Diamond Installation for Home & Property is an extremely advanced Transmission, in which Founder Jacqueline Joy works alone in the Multidimensional Diamond Energy Field to install the Diamond Chamber - microscopically and macroscopically - in every atom and molecule of your home and property ... aligning your home with the Universal Power of Heaven and Earth and your Divine Blueprint.

This laser-level Diamond Transmission includes a dynamic, meticulous, deep vibrational clearing at all levels and dimensions ... and an infusion of the high frequencies of Diamond Joy, Clarity and Equanimity into your home and property, creating an exquisite Diamond Haven that holds and uplifts you and your loved ones vibrationally in the Unified Field of Diamond Christ Consciousness!

  • INSTALLS the high-frequency Diamond Infrastructure into every square inch of your Home and environment - under, over, around, and throughout.
  • METICULOUSLY CLEARS at ALL levels and on all planes, all density, toxicity, interference, and low vibration energies in and around your home, which can occur at many different levels - on many planes.
  • DIAMONDIZES your home and property by infusing every atom and molecule with the Vibrational Magic, Multidimensional Power and Infinite Possibility of Diamond Consciousness.
  • CLEARS limiting vibrational patterns from the past that are literally stored in the "walls and wiring" of your home.
  • EXPONENTIALLY RAISES the energy vibration surrounding your home, energetically charging the space, inside and out, with a very high-frequency Diamond Energy Field.
  • SERVES as a "Multidimensional Shield" of Protection that emanates high-vibration Diamond qualities such as Diamond Joy, Equanimity, Clarity, Beauty Fun, Freedom, Wealth of Being, Grace, Ease, Gratitude and Appreciation into your home and out to the boundaries of your property and beyond.
  • UPLIFTS the energetic quality of your home and property, positively affecting all the Beings who live in the space with you, as well as in the surrounding area beyond your property line.

This laser-level of intervention
is for an individual who desires a dynamic, deep energetic clearing of your home environment, at all levels, in order to clear lower vibration energies out and to Diamondize or install the Higher Diamond Vibration in.

The Diamond Installation grounds and anchors the high frequencies of Diamond Joy, Clarity and Equanimity in your home and property, creating a safe haven that allows you to feel vibrationally held and safe in the arms of Mother-Father God. It is the same feeling that you feel being energetically held by the Diamond, now "physicalized" in your home.

Find out more about the “Benefits” of a Diamond Christ Home & Property Installation at:


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