Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Why The Golden Energy Transmission Is So Important!

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Receiving the Divine Nectar of the Golden Energy Transmission empowers your Golden Child to live "Out Loud" in the Authenticity of your True Multidimensional Self, which allows you to fulfill your Divine Blueprint ... bringing enormous JOY to your body, mind and Spirit.

All the work you do in Consciousness with the Diamond Technology "births" your Golden Child/Diamond "I AM" Presence by clearing the suppression of this brilliant Multidimensional Being that you truly are and keeping you Aligned with this Divine Presence. The Diamond Installation makes it safe for you to receive and integrate the extremely powerful Golden Energy frequency, which feeds your Golden Child.

The reason for the offering of this feeding - the consistent flow of Golden Energy - is that in this world of density – the Golden Child needs this high-frequency food to thrive. The density of this world is very hard on the vibration of Its highly sensitive, highly refined vibration Multidimensional Galactic Being (your Golden Child) – especially during the enormous "releasing' of density that we are experiencing individually and collectively in the massive transition we are in ... in 2021 and BEYOND.

This frequency that the Golden Child needs to thrive in the density of this Planet is near to impossible to find on our Planet. When your Golden Child receives the Golden Energy in your cells ... it becomes strong enough to show up in this physical world to be seen, heard, felt, and experienced (by you first) and by others. This experience of embodiment of your Golden Child is pure Joy!

(And So Much More That Is Way Beyond Words):

The Vibration of Conscious Knowing ...

The "Golden Energy Transmission" carries the vibration of conscious knowing of who you truly are – knowing that you know – as a visceral physical feeling. From this Knowing, you experience Joy of Being, Worthiness, Deservingness and the ability to receive all that you need, desire and deserve in order to:

  • Fully be who you came here to be on this Planet
  • Do what you came here to do on this Planet
  • Create what you came to this Planet to create

All of which empowers you to fulfill the Divine Blueprint of your Galactic Signature.

To find out more about the Golden Energy Transmission, go to: 


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