Tuesday, February 23, 2021

The Highest Frequency Transmitted in the Diamond Technology!

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The Golden Energy Transmission is the highest frequency transmitted in the Diamond Technology and is the perfect vibrational food for your Golden Child/Diamond "I AM" Presence and the Fulfillment of Its Diamond Blueprint.

The powerful frequencies of the Golden Energy Transmission will keep the Light of your Golden Child LIT within every cell and continuously activate Conscious Knowing of who you truly are, AND the Joy, Worthiness, Deservingness and Ability to Receive all that you need, desire and deserve to fulfill your Diamond Blueprint ... empowering you to be all that you came here to be, and to create all that your Soul came here to create.

The Golden Transmission is offered to you so that you may feed your Golden Child/Your Diamond "I AM" Presence cellularly – its perfect vibrational food – in a most convenient way, that gives It the strength and sustenance to not only thrive in the density of our physical world, but to fully shine as the fulfillment of Its own Divine Diamond Blueprint. Your "Golden Child" is the Infinite, Innocent, Magical, Multidimensional Diamond Being within you, that is longing to be fully embodied and FREE so that It can be seen, felt, heard and experienced on this Earth ... to Gift us all with Its Golden Presence and Play Its part in the Grand Divine Design of the Earth's Transformation into a Multidimensional World - or what I call a "Diamond Christ Aloha World". When enough Golden Children are FREED and take over this Planet as Diamond Leaders with Infinite Intelligence, Magic, and absolute ONENESS with the Universal Power of Heaven and Earth ... we will create a Diamond Christ Aloha World!

Because of the very high frequency of the Golden Energy Transmission, your physical cells and nervous system must be vibrationally prepared to receive its Power. Therefore, The Personal Diamond Installation is a prerequisite for receiving the "Monthly Golden Energy Flow". The Diamond Installation anchors the inner Diamond Chamber within your Energy Field, creating a high-frequency Receiving Station, which enables your physical body to receive and integrate the immense Power and Flow of the Golden Energy Transmission.

To find out more about the Golden Energy Transmission, go to:


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