Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Transform you Car into a Galactic “Diamond-On-Wheels”!

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Imagine driving your Multidimensional Galactic "Diamond-on-Wheels" ... clear, calm, relaxed, focused, expanded, joyful, and free ... vibrationally upgrading your car AND the way you move about the world, while emanating the vibrational Power of Diamond Christ Aloha Consciousness and Joy wherever you go.

The Multidimensional Diamond installed around and into every atom and molecule of your “3D” car serves as a Multidimensional Shield of Protection, while vibrationally Aligning your car, and all of your activity when using it, with the Power of
Diamond Christ Aloha Consciousness and Joy!


INSTALLS the high-frequency Diamond Infrastructure into every atom & molecule of your car, infusing it with Diamond Christ Aloha Consciousness & the Power of Joy

CONNECTS & ALIGNS your car with the Infinite Joyous Flow of the Universal Power of Heaven and Earth and the Divine Power within YOU

RAISES the frequency of your car with the vibrations of Diamond Joy, Equanimity, Clarity, Beauty, Fun, Freedom, Wealth of Being and Flow

PROVIDES physical safety, health and well-being for your car and your body

ENHANCES the flow of Diamond Energy in your cells as you drive ... leaving you feeling more energized at the end of your travels than when you began

TRANSFORMS your 3D car into a Multidimensional Galactic Diamond Vehicle

TRANSMUTES the "electromagnetic smog" from the electronics in your car (radiation of Bluetooth, wireless, GPS) that causes confusion, fatigue, and fogginess ... into Diamond Clarity

CLEARS "car exhaust" fumes inside your car that can cause stress, fatigue, irritability, aggressiveness

SHIELDS you from low-frequency energies emitted by other drivers, passengers and vehicles on the road that can affect your emotional state and ability to focus

CHARGES your car with pristine high-frequency Diamond Energy - positively affecting you and everyone traveling with you

CREATES a calm, relaxed, focused, happy, peaceful, joyful environment inside your car that vibrationally supports you in staying Aligned with your "I AM" Presence

And much more ...

Stay open to the Infinite Possibilities of additional Diamond effects, e.g., increased mechanical efficiency, lower maintenance costs and greater gas mileage!

Check out the details at:


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