Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Give your Pet a Sacred Diamond Gift!

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Founder Jacqueline Joy's Premier Transmission
of the Sacred Diamond Chamber into your pet's physical cells and around their Energy Field, the Diamond Pet Installation holds them in Alignment with their Diamond Self, and the Universal Power of Heaven and Earth, ignites their Diamond Blueprint, and fills their cells with the Diamond's high-frequency vibrations of Joy, Equanimity, Clarity, Harmony, Grace, Ease, Wealth of Being and much more ... providing an extremely SAFE, NURTURING, PRISTINE HAVEN for their highly refined, Multidimensional Being to breathe freely and navigate confidently in the density of the 3D world.

With the Diamond Chamber installed in the physical cells of your pet, the higher frequencies flooding the Planet are grounded, integrated and experienced in their body/mind, gracefully, powerfully and safely.


INSTALLS the Sacred Diamond Chamber's high-frequency Infrastructure in their physical cells and around their Energy Field

STABILIZES their Alignment with true Diamond Power: the Divine Power of Heaven and Earth

ACTIVATES connection with their Higher Diamond Consciousness

BRINGS in the New Diamond Kingdom of Heaven on Earth

ESTABLISHES a "Multidimensional Shield" of Diamond Protection around them

OPENS their Attunement to clearly receive their Intuitive Inner Guidance

RAISES their vibration with Diamond Joy, Equanimity, Clarity, Harmony, Grace, Ease & much more

PROVIDES a Safe, Nurturing, Pristine Haven — a "Vibrational Home" around them

GROUNDS their body ... amplifying their Presence in the Physical World

ANCHORS them in the Core of the New Earth: The Creative Fire of God

BRINGS them into resonance with the NEW Earth's Heartbeat

ACTIVATES their Highest Potential: The original design of the Creator

SYNCHRONIZES their energy with your energy when you have your own Personal Diamond Installation and with their environment when there is a Diamond Home & Property Installation

EXPANDS their cells to receive Divine Intervention in their life — at times of sickness, injury, trauma

STRENGTHENS their cells to anchor Diamond Energy on the Planet for ALL

EQUIPS them to be powerful Emanators of Diamond Consciousness and Joy — in Service to the Planet

INFUSES Diamond Life, Light, Expansion, Spaciousness and Equanimity in their cells

OPENS their Multidimensional receptors to Receive and Integrate the extremely high Diamond Frequencies

ENABLES them to enjoy greater vitality, aliveness, radiance in their cells ... with greater fluidly and grace

CALMS, CENTERS and STABILIZES them in the "vibrational storms" of the massive shift we are in on Earth at this time

HELPS them maintain the Integrity of their own unified Diamond Energy Field, no matter what the world is doing around them

ALLOWS them to Experience increased FLOW of Diamond Joy and Equanimity through their body/mind ... and SHINE in this world!

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