Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Creating a “Stellar Diamond Body” to truly house your Galactic Signature!

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Melting down your blocks to experiencing Joy and Ease in your Body and accelerating, expanding and amplifying your embodiment of Diamond Christ Aloha Consciousness and Joy is the Foundation for the Creation of your “Stellar Diamond Body”!

To Activate the creation of your “Stellar Diamond Body”, Diamond Christ Alignment's Visionary Founder, Jacqueline Joy, uses the Multidimensional Magic and Power of the Diamond Technology, in a “31-Day Diamond Journey”, to go to the CORE of one of the most unbearable overlays that is epidemic on the Planet today ... and begin to vibrationally:

  • Penetrate and dissolve the paradigm of pain, sorrow and suffering in the human body

  • Create the Stellar Diamond Body ... the body that can truly 'house' your Galactic Signature

Jacqueline Joy delivers her most advanced 1000-frequency Golden Energy Transmissions and introduces the "Diamond Titanium" Transmissions to Honor and Free the Joy of the Sacred Feminine ... in your body ... and on the Planet for ALL!

These recorded Transmissions are operating in the Multidimensional realms
of Diamond Christ Aloha Consciousness, beyond time and space, and will be just as powerful when you receive them via the MP3 Audio Recordings as they were when delivered "LIVE" via conference call. You will be entering the same 1000-frequency Golden Diamond Unified Energy Field, created by Jacqueline Joy especially for this profound Sacred Journey, and amplified by her laser focus on Creating your "Stellar Diamond Body".

In this 31-day Diamond Intensive you will receive 1000-frequency Golden Energy Transmissions and Diamond Titanium Transmissions that:

  • Melt down the concrete coagulated energy blocks to experiencing Joy and Ease in your Body
  • Accelerate, expand and amplify your embodiment of Diamond Consciousness and Joy
  • Transmute the CORE of the "Iceberg in Consciousness" that has blocked your natural state of JOY in the Body
  • Free your Heart to LOVE the body as Source Energy
  • Free you to SEE the body with Diamond Eyes
  • Clear judgments that limit JOY flowing through your body
  • Clear ancestral patterns/limitations of pain, sorrow and suffering that you have unconsciously carried
  • Establish intimacy with Joy in your cells
  • Empower you to say a Soulful "YES" to Joy in the Body
  • Open your channels to receive and embrace Joy, Aliveness and Physical Wealth of Being
  • Free your Consciousness from the limited 3D perception of the body
  • Heal the split between Spiritual and Physical Wealth
  • Dissolve/Transmute projections/judgments of others who enjoy Physical Wealth of Being
  • Anchor your consciousness in Diamond Joy and Wealth of Being in the body
  • Empower you to co-create a NEW, NEW, NEW, NEW, NEW Diamond Christ Aloha World – free of pain, sorrow and suffering, with Physical Diamond Wealth of Being for all!

To find out more:


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