Tuesday, May 18, 2021

What is the Difference between the Golden Energy & Titanium Energy Flows?

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The Titanium Energy Flow works excellently and synergistically with the Golden Energy Flow, and the Decontamination Power of the Personal Diamond Installation, which is a prerequisite for “Receiving” either and/or both Energy Flows.


The Golden Energy is the highest frequency transmitted in the Diamond Technology and is the perfect vibrational food for your Multidimensional Golden Child and the Fulfillment of Its Diamond Blueprint.

Because of the immense Power of the Golden Energy frequency, your physical cells and nervous system must be vibrationally prepared to receive its Power. Therefore, The Personal Diamond Installation is a prerequisite for receiving the "Monthly Golden Energy Flow". The Diamond Installation anchors the inner Diamond Chamber within your Energy Field, creating a high frequency Receiving Station, which enables your physical body to receive and integrate the immense Power and Flow of the Golden Energy Transmission, safely, comfortably and gracefully.

The Golden Energy Flow also infuses KNOWING of the Power of Jesus' Divine Intervention into the cells. This Knowing is INTEGRAL to Receiving the full effects of all Diamond Christ Transmissions and Activations. DOUBT causes resistance and literally pushes away what you wish to Receive. The vibration of Diamond Christ KNOWING, that is delivered into the cells with the 1000-frequency Golden Flow, is the perfect antidote to this DOUBT.

The Golden Energy Flow may be directed to any place in the body that is in need of healing.


The Diamond Titanium Energy Flow is a very specific body-focused Energy Flow that is highly recommended for the greatest acceleration and ease of Clearing physical toxic "residue" from your cells.

The 24/7 Titanium Energy "sloughs off" de-coagulated residue/material from your cells, so that your body does not have to do all the "processing" of the residue/material that is getting released, on its own. This makes it much easier on your body, makes the process more efficient and allows your body to retain the enormous energy that it would normally take to do the "processing" on its own.

One of the greatest Benefits of the Titanium Flow ...

You have more physical energy freed up and available for your life!

Note: Titanium Energy Flow is not meant to replace your Golden Energy Flow but can be used in addition to (or on its own) when your physical Being needs extra vibrational support. Golden Energy and Titanium Energy are very compatible and can be received together.

The Golden Energy Flow is a more all-encompassing 1,000 frequency high-vibration food that fuels your Diamond "I AM" Presence to take dominion over more and more arenas of your life (not just the body). It is also a very healing energy that can be directed to specific areas of your body where needed.

To find out more, go to:

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