Tuesday, June 15, 2021

A Multidimensional Diamond Christ Upgrade for Your Adrenal Glands!!












It is time for Jesus' Resurrection Power to Regenerate, Rejuvenate
and RESET the Adrenal System to His Divine Blueprint!


The Adrenal Glands are the Core System that is responsible for our physical safety on the Planet, with its “Fight-or-Flight” ability. When the “Fight-or-Flight” mechanism is constantly ON, the JUICE and VITALITY of the Human Body and our lives are severely compromised ... making it impossible to stay on top of the Tsunami Wave of Quantum Change we are in on the Planet ... without Diamond Christ Intervention!


Diamond Christ Intervention brings TRUTH into the Adrenal System ...

Diamond Christ Clearing
... By illuminating and eliminating the invisible stuck archetypal, inherited ancestral beliefs, constructs and ant-life/death programming in every atom/molecule/cell of the Adrenal System ... and infusing the Power of Diamond Christ Resurrected LIFE in the entire System.

Diamond Christ Installation ... Jesus Activates Life-giving Diamond Christ Adaptogens to Strengthen us to MOVE FORWARD and face the enormous challenges on Planet Earth ... with the Power of HIS Might, as Vibrational Diamond Christ Leaders and Builders of His New, New, New, New, New Diamond Christ Aloha World!


The DIAMOND CHRIST CLEARING of the Adrenal System:


CLEARS dullness and accumulated exhaustion, burn-out and anxiety from your Adrenal System


REMOVES stagnation/tiredness/deadness from the 3D anti-life/death construct/overlay on the Adrenal System


CLEARS the over – production of Cortisol


RELEASES the physical fat cells that have been holding the over-production of Cortisol

CLEARS archetypal and generational/ancestral patterns/beliefs … and accumulated 3D anti-life imprinting & activity


RELEASES fatigue and exhaustion in the cells from the above “carried weight” 


FREES your Adrenal System from accumulated degeneration and genetic disposition


ILLUMINATES the untruths that have caused your Adrenal System perpetuated stress/imbalance/overweight/anxiety/separation/aging 


FREES your Adrenal System to Function with Diamond Christ Efficiency, Effectiveness, Strength and Flexibility 


REMOVES the collective density that has been compromising the Adrenal System of humanity


FREES your Adrenal System's receptors from the entrained "wiring" into 3D trance frequencies


CLEARS confusion in your Adrenal System - especially from imbalances and toxicity from anti-life amplification of fear/lies/confusion/overwhelm

OPENS your Adrenal System's Multidimensional Receptors to Receive the "HUM": Information and Energy from Jesus' New "TREE OF LIFE" Operating System


CREATES Diamond Spaciousness in your Adrenal System to Receive the New Diamond Christ Adrenal System Installation


ENDS the incompatibility of your 3D Adrenal System with your already-received Multidimensional Diamond Christ Brain & Diamond Christ Nervous System


CLEARS the 3D EXHAUSTION, BURNOUT, and WEARING DOWN THAT HAS ACCUMULATED VIBRATIONALLY AND PHYSICALLY in the ADRENAL System, including the symptoms of anxiety in the physical, mental and emotional bodies.


ACTIVATES the Flow that allows the Resurrection Power of Jesus ... the Cosmic Energy of Diamond Christ LOVE ... to penetrate the Adrenals to the CORE and the physical, mental and emotional bodies. 


EMPOWERS us to navigate through this 3D world with Multidimensional Diamond Christ STRENGTH, CLARITY, and ABUNDANT LIFE-GIVING ENERGY FLOW

ENHANCES OUR BALANCE so that we have an appropriate “Fight-or-Flight” response that serves us, as is the Design of our Creator.

SOOTHES and CALM us from Renewed ability to viscerally feel our connection to God.


ENABLES us to stand Strong, Vibrant, Balanced, Aligned, Regal and Elegant as Diamond Christ “Boots on the Ground” Special Forces in Highest Service in the New Diamond Christ Aloha World.

ACTIVATES our Creativity and Vision for the New, New, New, New, New Diamond Christ Aloha World

ENERGIZES us to BUILD the New World - within us and around us! 

YOUTHENS us to ENJOY and fully Work and Play in the New World!

EQUIPS us to be "in Highest Service" to God’s New World that is NOW!




INFUSES every cell of your Adrenal System with the Power of Joy: Christ Conscious in every cell ... a Resurrected Diamond Christ Adrenal System!


SYNCHRONIZES your Adrenal System, Glands and Hormones with the "HUM" of Jesus' New Diamond Christ "TREE OF LIFE" Planetary Operating System


ACTIVATES the original Christ Cell in every cell of your Adrenal System

GENERATES Aliveness, Vibrancy ... NEW cells in the Adrenal System!

ELEVATES the function of your Adrenal glands and their production of Hormones 


BRINGS your Adrenal System into INCREASED Felt-connection with Diamond Christ Love 


RESTRUCTURES & RECALIBRATES your Adrenal System's Glands to Multidimensional Diamond Christ Glands


ACTIVATES the Diamond Christ Adrenal System of your GOLDEN CHILD: Alive! Awake! Balanced! Responsive! Joyous! Clear!


UPGRADES your Adrenal System to work smoothly, and be vibrationally "in sync" with your already-received Diamond Christ Brain, Heart, Nervous System, Immune System Installations


ENERGIZES and CALMS your Adrenal System


ACTIVATES the exquisite Multidimensional Design of the Creator for your Adrenal System


RESTORES Health and ACTIVATE Diamond Wealth of Being in your Adrenal System 

INFUSES Diamond Christ Wisdom in your Adrenal System for optimum surviving and thriving in the 3D world

OPENS your Adrenal System to receive the benefits of your 1000-frequency Monthly Golden, Titanium and Diamond Energy Flows 


ENHANCES your Adrenal System's ability to appropriately RESPOND to life’s challenges/demands


IGNITES your Adrenal System's Trust and Surrender to Jesus' Life-Giving Power


EXPANDS your ability to LIVE in Diamond Christ Life-Filled Wealth of Being in our world


PROTECTS your Adrenal System from the 3D death spell/trance of Satan


PREPARES your Adrenal System to Receive and Work with the NEW Incoming Vibrational Diamond Christ Infrastructures for our New World, as we continue to receive Diamond Christ Upgrades for a Diamond Christ Body ... system-by-system, organ-by-organ.


REGENERATES your Adrenal System, Organs and Hormones with Christ Life-Giving Energy


IGNITES Multidimensional Diamond Christ Life-Filled Building of your Life ... with an Adrenal System that is FREE of 3D trance programming, density and heaviness … from patterns, beliefs, genetic disposition and distortion that have compromised your Master Building power


EMPOWERS YOU to stand Strong, Juicy, Vibrant, Aligned, Regal and Elegant as Diamond Christ “Boots on the Ground” Special Forces in Highest Service in the New Diamond Christ Aloha World!


For details, go to:


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