Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Diamondize your Travels for Extraordinary Relief while traveling!

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The "Diamondization for your Travels" is a powerful laser-targeted Transmission that Diamondizes all aspects of your "Departure and Return" travel experience with Multidimensional Diamond Christ Joy, Protection and Comfort.

In these "often-crazy" times of challenging travel
, whether traveling by car, plane, train or boat, vibrationally receiving a "Diamondization for your Travels" means you can travel with Multidimensional Diamond Christ Protection and Comfort ... FREE of worry, concern, anxiety, fear ... i.e. of flying, of airports, safety, plane maintenance, air contamination, toxicity of fumes, schedule disruption, weather, loss of baggage, loss of time, of discomfort, etc.



Since the Diamondization has already been established by Jacqueline Joy at the vibrational level in the Diamond Energy Grid, when you purchase the Diamondization and send us your itinerary with travel details, the Diamond Grid immediately begins to download the vibration of the Diamondization directly to your Consciousness and your travels.

There's nothing else for you to do until you are consciously ready to receive your Diamondization by following the "Receiving" instructions included with your purchase.

(Note: The Diamondization Transmission is not received via recording or a LIVE group Transmission ... rather it is to be received vibrationally in the Diamond Energy Field, by following the instructions provided.)

The Diamond Energy is not bound by linear time and space. It works at the Multidimensional level of Diamond Christ Consciousness, in response to your choice to receive it.


The "Diamondization for Travel" brings every aspect of your travels into vibrational alignment with Multidimensional Diamond Christ Joy, Protection and Comfort.

You will:

  • Relax, Enjoy, Feel Calm and Experience DIAMOND RELIEF at every level - mentally, emotionally and physically!
  • Travel with Diamond Safety, Health and Well Being!
  • Experience Extraordinary, Delicious Relief while Traveling in Diamond Style ... with Multidimensional Royal Elegance!!!


Note: Especially Amazing RELIEF
for energy sensitive travelers who pick up on the energies of others in crowded airports, planes, trains, buses, highway traffic ...

Experience Extraordinary, Delicious Relief while Traveling in Diamond Style ... with Multidimensional Royal Elegance!!

Relief for your Body

Relief for your Mind
Relief for your Spirit


Jacqueline Joy's Diamondization for your Travels will:

HOLD your Body, Mind and Spirit in Diamond Christ Alignment while traveling

ACTIVATE the Diamond's Decontamination Power for your trip to clear out and clean out all fumes and toxicity from airports, airplanes, car exhaust, train stations, other travelers, etc.

CREATE High vibration Diamond Clarity in the cabin of your plane/train/car

KEEP you in the Crystal Clear High Vibrational Field of the Diamond the entire duration of your travels (from home to destination, and back home)

BRING the High vibration Diamond Energy Field to the airport(s)/station(s)

KEEP you calm, relaxed and enjoying your travels

ELEVATE your service experience to Diamond Service - Be treated like Royalty
(You'll never experience such friendliness, kindness and willingness to help you)

ACTIVATE Diamond resolution if problems arise - quickly and with great service from service providers

CAUSE Doors/Diamond Opportunities to open magically - E.g., Upgrades in tickets, extra great seats, etc.

TRANSFORM your experience with taxis/buses/transportation to one of Safety, Health & Well Being

PROTECT your Baggage - For safe delivery of luggage - intact and on time

DIAMOND ALIGN your schedule

TRANSFORM weather conditions for safe travel

ACTIVATE your airplane/car/train for Diamond Safety... bringing maintenance to its highest Diamond Blueprint

PROVIDE high-frequency Diamond support for the airplane captain and crew - so their Higher Diamond Selves do the flying and serving

DIAMOND CUSHION your body for protection from bruising, etc.

DIAMOND ALIGN your body to PREVENT falls, pulling your back out with luggage, etc.

your own seat with Diamond Quality air

STABILIZE Turbulence - Enjoy the Stabilizing power of the Diamond

DELIVER you to your destination in "Diamond Time" — Experiencing the Multidimensional phenomenon of "no time" ... with hours of traveling feeling much shorter

ALLOW you to be of DIAMOND SERVICE: Offer Diamond Comfort to crying babies around you ... Just send your Heart's desire to help them and the High frequency will emanate to them and soothe them from the emanation of your Diamond Field

UPLIFT people and the environment with your Diamond Emanation ... Watch the world change around you.

Find further details:


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