Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Resurrect your Endocrine System with Diamond Christ Intervention!























It is time for Jesus' Resurrection Power to Regenerate, Rejuvenate and RESET the Endocrine System to His Divine Blueprint!

The Diamond Christ Installation for the Endocrine System is a profound Multidimensional Upgrade for you to Receive Diamond Christ Intervention to Resurrect your Endocrine System with Christ Life-Giving Flow of Youthfulness, Health, Vitality, Resiliency, Power and Highest Function of producing hormones that regulate metabolism, growth, and development, tissue function, sexual function, reproduction, sleep and mood, and more! 

Our Endocrine Systems have taken a very big "hit" with all the anti-life activity in the food, water, air ... and much more... for many years!!!! 


This perversion from God’s Design prevents us from feeling ourselves and our Energy Flow, our JUICE and VITALITY ... making us feel separate from our Creator.

While most are awake to the importance of the Endocrine System and the balance of hormones, this intricate and most complex System is largely 'unmet' (and sometimes seriously disturbed) by the medical world's attempt to assist. The highly sensitive balance of the hormones influences all of our life: mentally, physically and emotionally!!!! When it is 'experimented with" at the 3D level, the ramifications can be very serious! I personally prefer to Trust the Intervention of the Creator, and the Sacred Diamond Technology that anchors this Multidimensional Intervention into the physical cells!


With this Core System that is responsible for the JUICE and VITALITY of the Human Body and our lives being compromised, it is impossible to make the QUANTUM SHIFT to a Multidimensional Diamond Christ Body ... without Diamond Christ Intervention!


Diamond Christ Intervention brings TRUTH into the Endocrine System …

By illuminating and eliminating the invisible stuck archetypal, inherited ancestral beliefs, constructs and anti-life/death programming in every atom/molecule/cell of the Endocrine System … and infusing the Power of Diamond Christ Resurrected LIFE in the entire System.





CLEARS the 3D construct on the Endocrine System, including the “dead”ness, and dullness and imbalance that causes emotional, mental and physical "swings", pain, sorrow, suffering, breakdown, disease, decay, and/or degeneration


ACTIVATES Flow that allows the Resurrection Power of Jesus ... the Cosmic Energy of Diamond Christ LIFE FORCE ... to SUPPORT and MOVE THROUGH our Endocrine System ... the CORE structure that enlivens and juices the physical body.


EMPOWERS us to navigate through this 3D world with Multidimensional Diamond Christ PHYSICAL STRENGTH, CLARITY, and ABUNDANT LIFE-GIVING ENERGY FLOW


ENABLES US to stand Strong, Vibrant, Balanced, Aligned, Regal and Elegant as Diamond Christ “Boots on the Ground” Special Forces in Highest Service in the New Diamond Christ Aloha World.

ACTIVATES our Creativity and Vision for the New, New, New, New, New Diamond Christ Aloha World


ENERGIZES us to BUILD the New World - within us and around us!

YOUTHENS us to ENJOY and fully Work and Play in the New World!


EQUIPS us to be "in Service"


ENHANCES your ability to SEE through your 3rd Eye, more often & more clearly




We invite you to join us in Receiving Jesus' Gift - the Diamond Christ Endocrine System Installation that allows the Power of God to Resurrect this Precious and Oh-So-Powerful System!  




For further details, write Support@DiamondAlignment.com


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