Tuesday, July 6, 2021

The Diamond Christ Bone Installation brings TRUTH into the Bones!
















With the Multidimensional Diamond Christ Installation for the Bones, we go to the Foundational Structure of the Body to Receive Diamond Christ Intervention to Resurrect our “dry bones” with Christ Life-Giving Flow, Resiliency, Power and Strength!   

Bones are critical
. They are our frame … our Foundation, the CORE of our body.  Without the bones and the lifeblood they produce, we have no form, no life-giving vital force.  The bones are our lifeblood, our Root, and give us substance, back bone and constitution!


“Stuckness/Rigidity” from Archetypal and Inherited Ancestral Beliefs/Patterns lodged/buried in the Bones is the doorway through which anti-life interference/implanting/programming enters ... controlling us without our conscious awareness ... as we are largely unconscious and unconcerned about our bones. 

This perversion from God’s Design prevents us from feeling ourselves and our Energy Flow ... making us feel separate from our Creator.

We are largely asleep to our bones. Little conscious attention is given to this most critical foundation of our physical Being. They are forgotten and taken for granted … until something happens (which is generally treated with medical physical trauma attention).  Yet this skeletal structure, and its physical/energetic Alignment, determines the Flow of Energy in our bodies and lives, and our ability to feel ourselves and our connection to God

With this hidden STUCKNESS/RIGIDITY/MISALIGNMENT in our bones ... the Very Core, Foundation/Structure of the Human Body and our lives is compromised
, making it impossible to make the QUANTUM SHIFT to a Multidimensional Diamond Christ Body ... without Diamond Christ Intervention!

Diamond Christ Bone Intervention
 brings TRUTH into the bones!

By illuminating and eliminating the invisible stuck archetypal, inherited ancestral beliefs/programs and anti-life programming in every atom/molecule/cell of the bones … and infusing the Power of Diamond Christ Consciousness in Every Atom/Molecule/Cell of the Bones … Jesus Activates Resurrected Life-giving Diamond Christ Bones that FREE us and STRENGTHEN us to stand STRONG & ALIGNED at our CORE, and move forward ... as Vibrational Diamond Christ Leaders into His New, New, New, New, New Diamond Christ Aloha World.






CLEARS the dense overlay on the Bones: the “dead”ness, stiffness, rigidity and brittleness that cause pain, sorrow, suffering, breakdown, disease, decay, and/or degeneration

ACTIVATES Flow that allows the Resurrection Power of God ... the Cosmic Energy of Diamond Christ LIFE FORCE ... to SUPPORT and MOVE THROUGH our bones ... the CORE structure that HOLDS and supports us physically

EMPOWERS us to navigate through this 3D world with Multidimensional Diamond Christ PHYSICAL STRENGTH, CLARITY, and ABUNDANT LIFE-GIVING ENERGY FLOW

ENABLES US to stand Strong, Erect, Alignment, Regal and Elegant as Diamond Christ “Boots on the Ground” Special Forces in Highest Service in the New Diamond Christ Aloha World

ENERGIZES us to build the New, New, New, New, New Diamond Christ Aloha World

EQUIPS us to be "in Service" 





We invite you to join us in Receiving Jesus' Gift - the Diamond Christ Bone Installation that allows the Power of God to Support, Hold and move through our Bones ... the entire structure of the body!!


For more details, please write Sondra@DiamondAlignment.com 

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