Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Building a Diamond Christ Aloha World with NEW Diamond Christ Vibrational Infrastructures!!

As the 3D Polarity in our world has continued to escalate ….




















As the 3D Polarity in our world has escalated ...

I have been intensely "at work" at the peak of the Cosmic Diamond Aloha Wake … continuing my single-pointed laser-focused work with JESUS …  Calling in Divine Intervention/God's Fire to Clear and Transmute the old 3D paradigm/polarity and to Activate NEW Diamond Christ Vibrational Infrastructures for the Master Building of our New, New, New, New, New, New Golden Diamond Christ Aloha World.


As always, with the Diamond Technology, the SHIFT I am Calling for is at the Vibrational CORE. These NEW Diamond Christ Infrastructures are the Vibrational Christ-Aligned Blueprints from which the New Infrastructures will PHYSICALIZE … replacing the old 3D infrastructures that are clearly dying at every level … in ourselves, in the U.S. and in our World. 


This "dying process" has triggered enormous fear of the Unknown across the globe, and that fear is tremendously UNCOMFORTABLE! This terror of the Unknown has activated the old "wiring" of the collective brain into extreme "3D-mental trance" coping patterns of attachment and aversion, stronger than I have ever witnessed in my life.

This “wiring unconsciously fixates the brain’s attention on aversion … OR attachment (absolutely convinced that we know HOW things "should be"). This "protective" mental activity succeeds in diverting us from feeling the uncomfortable terror … however, it also, inadvertently, amplifies (adds our energy) to the "irreconcilable stuckness" of the 3D trance/polarity … AND prevents us from Aligning with and Receiving the Multidimensional CHRIST Frequencies that are Birthing the NEW!!!!


At this critical time on the Planet,
to Empower us to BE in Highest Diamond Service, I invite you ALL to join me in the Cosmic Diamond Aloha Wake and ACCEPT Jesus' Divine Intervention to BREAK OUT of this 3D "wiring" in the brain … and Receive the Diamond Christ BRAIN Clearing & Installation ... to vibrationally keep the BRAIN tuned into the Diamond Christ Frequency Station … so that our neural brain receptors are READY to Receive and Anchor the NEW Vibrational Infrastructures for our New World that have been Called For from beyond this 3D trance!!!


As we make this SHIFT in ourselves, we emanate this SHIFT to the Whole through the Worldwide Diamond Grid! There is no higher Diamond Service that is more needed … NOW! 


To learn more about the Diamond Christ Upgrade for the BRAIN via the Diamond Christ BRAIN Clearing & Installation Transmission, write

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