Sunday, January 24, 2021

3 Essentials for Living a Diamond Christ-Inspired Life!

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There are three essential foundational areas in the Diamond Technology that empower you to use the Diamond’s Power to establish a strong foundation for living a Diamond Christ-inspired life ...

Expand Your Capacity To Receive

Our fast-paced demanding world often prevents us from finding the time to consciously connect and align with our Inner Power and Wisdom, leaving us stressed and often overwhelmed by the density of the world. Not being aligned with the Divine in ourselves, our Diamond within, can diminish or literally pinch off our ability to receive the abundant flow of good from Source. Foundational Principle #1: Activate your ability to open and expand your receiving channel to the flow of Magic, Miracles and Gifts that your Diamond Consciousness has for you.

Activate Diamond Joy in your Body

Staying charged with the high vibration of Joy has the ability to alchemically transform lower vibration feelings, such as stress, confusion, doubt, depression, anxiety, fear and worry into Diamond qualities, such as Inner Joy, Peace, Equanimity, Clarity, Fun, Freedom, Grace, Ease and Wealth of Being. In the body, the frequency of Joy is experienced as a very refined energy current running through you, which shows up as gracefulness, fluidity and radiance. Foundational Principle #2:  Transmute old limiting thoughts, beliefs, and emotions that have been held in the body by activating your innate power of Joy. Being able to feel the Joy of your true Self and the flow of your true vibration is what Jacqueline Joy calls "Joy in the Body".

Keep your Energy Field Clear

We live in a world that is pure energy and as such, we are susceptible to the invisible thoughts, feelings and energies that are circulating around us. It is important to awaken to this phenomenon that has gone largely unnoticed because it is INVISIBLE. Just as we consider it good hygiene at the physical level to bathe and brush our teeth every day, it is extremely important that we establish excellent habits at the non-physical level by clearing our Energy field daily to feel good and to stay in our own vibration. Foundational Principle #3: Activate the clearing of your Energy Field and learn how to use the Diamond Christ Technology to "detox" or clear your cells, and keep your energy high and positive throughout the day.


To learn more about using the Diamond's Power in these 3 essential areas, go to:

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