Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Neutralize Electronic Smog with the Multidimensional Power of the Diamond!

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OUR HIGH TECH ELECTRONICS ARE ESSENTIAL ... It's hard to imagine how we ever lived without the convenience of them to help us stay connected to the world around us!!

But ... did you know how important it is to protect your body, your brain and your environment from the electromagnetic radiation and Electronic Frequency emissions emanating from your high-tech devices ... in order to be in the highest energy for yourself and the Planet?

This "electromagnetic smog" compromises the vital energy flow in the body and makes it difficult to physically and mentally maintain your high frequency ... which can cause you to feel confused, distracted, sluggish, cranky, overwhelmed, foggy ... and much more! This smog is also affecting the Planet ... causing us to feel "out of sync" with the electromagnetic pulse (the "heart beat") of the Earth.

"In my commitment to supporting you all to live in Diamond Flow, Health and Wealth of Being, I am reaching out to awaken you to this issue and guide you to an excellent 'Diamondizing' solution for neutralizing the electromagnetic smog effects of your personal high-tech electronics and transforming them into Diamond Energy Tools that will ENHANCE your vibration and the electromagnetic field of the Planet.

Invisible yet physical 'vibrational' smog is best met with the invisible yet physical 'vibrational' Multidimensional Power of the Diamond Technology." 

Diamond Christ Alignment Founder, Jacqueline Joy

THE DIAMOND INSTALLATION FOR YOUR ELECTRONIC DEVICE(S) is one of the most advanced Transmissions available in the Diamond Technology, in which the Invisible multidimensional Diamond Chamber is installed microscopically and macroscopically - into every atom and molecule of the electronic medium of your choice.

This Diamond Installation is for individuals who desire a deep vibrational clearing of their electronic equipment to clear lower vibration energies out and to Diamondize or install the Higher Diamond Vibration in.

The Invisible Diamond Installation grounds and anchors the high frequencies of Diamond Joy, Clarity and Equanimity in the specific device you have chosen to receive the Installation for.

Note: The Diamond Installation is a non-physical, high-frequency Diamondization of your device. The infusion of Diamond Energy into your equipment vibrationally Aligns it and all activity when using it with the Power of Diamond Christ Aloha Consciousness and Joy. (It is not a physical device or app that you download.) Rather, it is be received vibrationally by following the Receiving instructions, included with your purchase.

Find out more at:

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