Sunday, January 17, 2021

Answers to your Vibrational Diamond Gifting Questions!

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 How does "Diamond Gifting" Work?

      When you choose to "Diamond Gift", it Activates the Diamond Technology to accelerate the delivery of Multidimensional High-Frequency Divine Energy, Information and Support into the Physical World ... to uplift the human experience. There are TWO choices for "Gifting": a "One-Time Diamond Blast" and a "30-Day Flow" of Diamond Energy.

What is the difference between the "One-Time Diamond Blast" and the "30-Day Flow"?

       The "One-Time Blast" is great when you want/need an IMMEDIATE high-frequency BOOST to uplift yourself, someone you care about or a specific situation. For example, you (or someone you care about) are at an impasse in communication with someone and need an "Opening", OR you wake up feeling Down and need an Immediate upliftment OR you wish to Activate the Highest Possibility in an important meeting.

      The "30-Day Flow" of Diamond Energy is designed for ongoing high-frequency support. For example, if your child just went off to college and you want to support his/her transition ... with high-frequency Diamond Support that will assist them to stay connected to their Higher Self and make clear choices, OR someone is going through surgery and you wish to support their healing process as well, OR it is a global situation that you are calling Divine Support for.

What amount should I Gift?

        The amount of the Gift is up to you. You choose! Listen to your Heart's Guidance. Diamond Gift donations range from $1 to $100's.

Do I send in my written intention for the Gift to
Diamond Alignment?

       No ... "Diamond Gifting" is a Diamond-powered Vibrational Gift from your Heart to the person or situation you are "Gifting". All you need to do is momentarily hold the person/situation in your Heart, ask for the Highest Possibility in the situation ... and then let go, Knowing the Diamond Technology will accelerate the delivery of the Divine Intervention that you are calling for.

"Diamond Gifting" does not require sending your written intention to us, or to the person you are "Gifting".

I'd like to be more actively involved in the "Gifting" process - how can I do that?

        You may engage more actively with the "Diamond Gifting" process by doing one of the following:


1.    If you would like the person to know that you are "Gifting" them ... we provide a "Notification" e-mail message that you may customize, as you wish. This e-mail will be sent immediately to your Giftee.

NOTE: You will see the link to send this "Notification" e-mail, on the "Thank you" page that comes up after you complete your Gift purchase. It says, "I wish to notify my Gift Recipient".


2.    If you prefer NOT to send a physical e-mail to your Gift Recipient, but wish to notify their Higher Self about your "Diamond Gift" ... then you may choose to send the "Notification" e-mail from your Higher Self to their Higher Self in this way:

When the "Notification" e-mail pops up, you may personalize the e-mail message for their Higher Self. Then, send the e-mail to yourself with the person's name added to the SUBJECT line (for your own records), e.g., "A Vibrational Gift of Diamond Aloha Joy - [person's name]"


To make your Diamond Gift, please go to:

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