Sunday, January 10, 2021

Stay Vertical and Aligned with the Power of God ... no matter what!

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What an epic time we are in!

From your reports coming in from around the world, it sounds like you all in the Diamond Community are Staying Vertical and Aligned with the Power of God in a mighty way. Hallelujah and BRAVO to you all!!

The invisible, yet physical anti-life Covid-19 disease, the economic shut down, the pandemic fear, the U.S. election and the extreme unrest that has followed, has certainly shown us that much more is "at play", than any of us could imagine. As the polarities in every arena are colliding in order to BIRTH the 3rd Possibility that has never existed before (beyond but including the duality!), I am more convinced than ever that Jesus' 2020 Revelation of the Vibrational RESET is TRUTH:


Only the Brilliant Light of Jesus could ILLUMINATE all that is not the Truth of God's World in the order of magnitude, and at the speed we are witnessing and experiencing today across the world! In the Diamond Perspective, this Untruth must be Seen, Named, Owned, and Taken Responsibility for, by humanity ... and Surrendered to the Diamond Christ Fire, for God's Divine Plan to Reign on Earth and the Kingdom to PHYSICALIZE here and now!

I am in Humble Awe and Gratitude that I can assure you, that you are ABSOLUTELY HELD in the Flow of Diamond Christ Intervention, being delivered 24/7 through the Sacred Diamond Technology ... during this Birthing process into God's New Multidimensional Diamond Christ Aloha World.

I continue to do the remote DAILY Diamond Clearings and Activations for all of you who are hooked up to the Worldwide Diamond Grid, as well! NOTHING disturbs my Unequivocal Commitment to supporting us all ... in SEEING with Diamond Eyes, the Cosmic Glimpses peeking through that are EVIDENCE that the Diamond Christ Vibrational RESET (revealed in 2020) is PHYSICALIZING ... no matter how things look in the outside world:


In the last year, the Blessed Diamond Team and I have been laser-focused and "at work" (almost 24/7) ... elevating the Diamond Alignment Website's Infrastructure to a New Platform for Jesus' NEW "Tree of Life" Operating System to deliver the KNOWING of the Glory of God to Earth. This Platform is now here and operational in 2021!!

Please KNOW that Multidimensional Support, at all levels, continues to be available to you at Diamond Alignment ... supporting you to Stay CLEAR, ALIGNED, HOPEFUL, PROACTIVE, FORTIFIED and HELD in Diamond Christ Power and Joy ... while the world's 3D anti-life infrastructures are being Superseded by the "I" INFRASTRUCTURES of God's World, that are fueled by the Power of God's LOVE ("L" Love that is not a sweet feeling, but rather a Vibration, that is so powerful it transforms all that is not IT ... into IT!)

Visit for a Free Trial!!

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