Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Bring in a New Paradigm of Financial Freedom and Flow in your life!

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Many of us carry individual and collective misperceptions and programming around material wealth, which suppresses our ability to manifest in the physical world. It is only when we are consciously Connected and Aligned with the vibration of the Universal Energy first that the flow of absolutely everything we need occurs beyond our wildest dreams. It is time to pierce the illusion that money is separate from the Infinite Flow from Divine Source, and to trigger the release of these limiting impressions from our energy field.

Jacqueline Joy has been working with Diamond Leaders over the past 3 years, in Sacred Journeys of Diamond Clearings and Activations, to BIRTH a New Diamond Paradigm of Financial Freedom & Flow on the Planet ... for ALL.

As the Divine Intervention of these Diamond Transmissions are received by more and more who are saying "YES" to this level of Divine Play and Creation, the Cosmic Diamond Christ Aloha Wake is swelling and building an irresistible vibrational Tsunami Wave of Diamond Christ Aloha Consciousness and Joy... FREEING humanity from the 3D financial trance and CREATING an epoch shift into Financial Freedom and Flow across the world!

Jacqueline Joy invites you to STEP INTO this Cosmic Wake and ACTIVELY participate in the Multidimensional Power of this Divine Breakthrough and Creation!

By journeying with her, you will release the shackles of your 3D financial trance and Activate your "Multidimensional Receptors" ... to bring in the New Paradigm of Financial Freedom and Flow in your life.

You will be Stepping into the Sacred Diamond Energy Field that has been specifically created by Jacqueline Joy's laser-focus on the Sacred Opening of Financial Freedom & Flow in the Diamond Grid. When you participate in one of the Diamond Financial Freedom & Flow Journeys, you receive the Power of Diamond Wealth Consciousness that is vibrating more powerfully with every Journey in the Worldwide Diamond Grid.

In each Audio Journey, you will receive the same groundbreaking Diamond Clearings and Activations that were originally transmitted "LIVE". These Alchemical Journeys will melt down your blocks to Financial Flow and open your cells to the NEW paradigm of Diamond Wealth Consciousness: Diamond Wealth of Being that is enjoyed Spiritually, Mentally, Emotionally, Physically and Financially.

Experiencing these Transmissions will raise your vibrational frequency, open your receptivity to Divine Intervention in relation to money and activate Diamond Consciousness in your physical cells to attract financial flow into your life.

Find out more about the Financial Freedom & Flow Journeys available at:


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