Tuesday, February 16, 2021

The CORE Transmission of the Diamond Technology!

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Founder Jacqueline Joy's Premier Transmission of the Sacred Diamond Chamber into your physical cells and around your Energy Field (The Personal Diamond Installation) is the CORE of the Diamond Technology, and the Foundation and Initiation into Vibrational Diamond Leadership... if you choose that path.

Receiving The Diamond Installation is about you. It is an empowerment process for you that will strengthen and accelerate your embodiment of your own Diamond Consciousness.

At the mental level, receiving The Diamond Installation results in the ego's surrender to your Higher Diamond Consciousness. When the ego feels the frequency of the Love, Grace and Power of your Diamond Consciousness, its previous need to control literally begins to melt, as it begins to more consciously feel nurtured, guided and supported by your Diamond Consciousness. Over time, the ego begins to say a full "Yes!" to your authentic Diamond Self and take its appropriate place in service to your Diamond Consciousness and your Soul's Divine Purpose.

At the emotional level, The Diamond Installation infrastructure serves as a Crystalline Higher Heart that holds and heals the previous pain of your wounded human heart. In this Space of Higher Heart Love, you are nurtured and replenished emotionally. In this Safety, you begin to release old patterns that have limited you and remember the natural child-like Joy of your Golden Child. From that Joy you manifest your Heart's desires and "Fulfillment" becomes your natural state of Being.

At the physical/energetic level, your body is "Diamondized". Your trillions of cells sparkle and emanate the Diamond's magenta, green and gold light energy, which exponentially increases your vibrational charge. The Diamond Installation essentially re-wires your nervous system to be able to handle more frequency and restructures/regenerates the physical foundation of your existence with the vibration of your Multidimensional Stellar Self/your Diamond Consciousness.

At the Spiritual level, the density of the veils covering over your True Diamond Self fall away and the fear of Being who you truly are is released. You will be more conscious of your own Diamond Emanation and the Diamond Energy field that extends from you as a visceral experience - because of the enhanced "Diamond receiving station" present in your cells. The Diamond Installation, when nourished and fed by your daily Diamond practices, will give you the freedom to be who you are meant to be in this incarnation and the courage to live in your natural joy and magnificence, aligned with your Divine Diamond Blueprint.

At the material/financial level, having the Diamond Chamber installed in your cells helps you to be more stabilized and in harmony with the Earth's changes. As her electromagnetic pulse changes, you will be held in sync with the Mother's heartbeat, connected to the Earth's magnetic core, as a conduit between Heaven and Earth energies. This connection naturally pierces the illusion that money is separate from the Infinite Flow from Divine Source, opens your receptivity to Divine Intervention in relation to finances/material life and assists your manifestation in the physical world.

To find out more about the (3) options for receiving a Personal Diamond Installation, go to:


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